Turns out I had a congenital heart defect and had to have my aortic valve replaced. My open heart surgery was 5 weeks ago and it went very well – I now have normal heart function and blood flow instead of the 18 percent I was running on before. I’m excited as now I think I may be able to accomplish something substantial given my new energy level and stamina! Anyway the blog will return to the normal 2-3 posts a week and I look forward to the interaction. I wanted to share a couple things now though.

  1. I have a new, free Facebook group open to all dental professionals discussing my new practice model in detail. It’s called The Smiley Face Experience and I encourage you to join and have a look if you want to see where we believe the profession is heading. This new model is not just about fees – your fee can be whatever you like – it’s about a mindset and systems and customer engagement and efficiency among other things. Click here to have a look. 
  2. Don’t forget to charge your corporation(s) for the use of your house for any corporate events you’ve had at your home over the last year. Most of us have several and should take advantage of the Masters Rule to pay ourselves tax free money in the form of rent. I am not an accountant or lawyer and am not telling you how to do this only making you aware – talk to your accountant before doing anything but do so quickly as you need to do this before Dec 31.

Its good to be back in the saddle – I appreciate your patience and look forward to more spirited interaction in the future.


3 thoughts on “OrthoPundit Update

  1. Ben, sorry to hear of your open heart surgery and send wishes of a total recovery. I know what you just went thru as I had open heart surgery for quadruple bypasses in 1999 and 2015. I inherited horrible genetics for a healthy heart from both parents but have overcome those handicaps with hard work and excellent medical care. Your bad valve is different than blocked coronaries but the open heart procedure takes the same toll during to stopping the heart and using the heart lung machine. I was running a full practice while in my third year as a trustee on the AAO during my first surgery. I went back to work in two weeks and attended a constituency mid term meeting in three. I felt that I had to prove that I was not going to let this change my life. In retrospect, I let my ego drive met rather than my brain. Concentrate on your family and your practice for a few months until your body has compleltely stabilized. You feel better as you have much better circulation but don’t let that mask that your surgery was a a major strain on your lungs and heart and circulatory system as you have damaged red blood cells that will need to be replensihed. I look forward to future orthopundit articles and arguing with you from time to time but I can wait as well as your other followers can. Take care of yourself first. God speed your recovery.

  2. Great to hear you are well now .Enjoy and smell the roses outside ortho..Best wishes to you and your beautiful family.
    I have a distrust of Facebook so won’t join you there but will follow your excellent blog.

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