Orthodontists, Raise Your Fees

Or keep them the same. Or do whatever you want. We don’t care what you do with your fees and we are not advocating that you lower them. All we are doing is pointing out SIX FACTS: The biggest proble...

The Boutique Mentality

For years we have met colleagues who tell us that they have or are thinking of starting a boutique orthodontic practice. In our younger less skeptical days, we would take this at face value believing ...

Playing Offense or Defense?

By Marc Ackerman Lower incisors have to be positioned upright over basal bone and you must measure this on a lateral cephalometic radiograph before and after treatment. If you don’t finish your ...

They Can’t Get Away with That!

Marc Ackerman Ben Burris One of us went to an emergency meeting of the Massachusetts Association of Orthodontists last week. It was held at a small hotel in a nondescript meeting room with about 20 or...

Letting The Air Out of Sleep Orthodontics

Marc Bernard Ackerman, DMD, MBA  “The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.” Sir William Osler An aggravated wife walks into the family Doctor’s office with a complaint about her hus...

A Radiographic Rationale for Orthodontists

Marc Bernard Ackerman, DMD, MBA All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure. Mark Twain I was reading the most recent Ethics in Orthodontics article in the American...

Caveat Lector: Let the Reader Beware

By Marc Bernard Ackerman Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. With that being said, there is a difference between imitation and reinterpretation. When I write a peer-reviewed journal paper or ...

Anonymity: A Different Way to Give

by Marc Bernard Ackerman, DMD, MBA The School of Public Health at my University was strapped for cash. In order to secure the type of endowment needed for the long haul, they sold the naming rights of...

The Gaucho Consult

by Marc Bernard Ackerman, DMD, MBA Who doesn’t love churrascaria (Brazilian Pampas Barbeque)? O.K., you’re all thinking vegetarians and vegans. Duh. All kidding aside, even the non-carnivorous amo...

Stay Classy San Diego

By Marc Bernard Ackerman, DMD, MBA Without promotion, something terrible happens… nothing P.T. Barnum The American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session is a glimpse into the specialty’s...