So You’re Mad at Invisalign?

Let me get this straight… We orthodontists are dying as a speciality and yet we refuse to make any substantial changes to save ourselves. We orthodontists believe we are top 1%ers and our track ...

Do You Want the 99% or the 1%?

The answer is obvious. Or it should be. We orthodontists think it is obvious, but our actions often say otherwise. “What the heck are you talking about Burris?” I can hear you saying. I’m glad y...

Doing vs Doing Well

By Jason Tam If you’re looking to do more Invisalign, it is critical to have the whole team buy in.  There may still be many team members (including some doctors) that do not believe Invisalign tre...

Democracy & Truth

So over the last week or two we have had some fun in the Ortho101. I created a series of polls to compare and contrast some items that are rarely considered together and the results were interesting t...

Do I Need Braces?

We get this from time to time from adults as well as parents who are eager to do the right thing for their children. Here is my stock answer for that question. “You don’t need braces. Heck...

Same-Day Starts – The Data!

By Jamie Reynolds In case you haven’t been paying attention to Ben lately (read: hiding under a rock), same-day starts are important…like really important.  A couple of years ago, I would...

Why Don’t We Do More Invisalign?

As I’ve mentioned in recent posts I’ve put a lot of thought into how Invisalign works in the marketplace and in my practice. After doing several hundred cases in and around 2006-2007 I sto...


So I’ve had more than my share of sleepless nights of late and my sleep cycle always revolves around what is going on in two areas: 1) My relationship with my wife and kids. 2) What’s goin...