How To Properly Calculate Your Receivables

By Jamie Reynolds In previous posts, I shared some of the data we are collecting at OrthoFi.  In a series of blog posts, I hope to share more of the data we have collected from over 70,000 starts and...

Orthodontists Are Like Taxi Drivers

No, I’m not talking about the fact that we both are hired help who are paid to get people from where they are to where they want to be. Neither am I talking about the fact that all taxis look t...

Don’t Let Your Goals Limit You in 2017

It’s that time of year. Traditionally we set goals and make resolutions for the new year and that is a fine thing. We all know that setting goals gives us something to shoot for and provides focus f...

Give The People What They Want!

We orthodontists have a big problem and almost all of us suffer from the same disease. Perfectionism. It’s ironic to me that in a profession where we are dealing with asymmetric people and too many ...

It’s Not About Being Right

It’s not about winning. It’s not about what’s fair. What we orthodontists do every day is about a very few things (ranked in the order I see them): Taking care of patients as we wou...

We Are Failing Our Patients & Fooling Ourselves

Whenever a group of orthodontists get together, the topic of transfer patients is bound to come up. It’s amazing that we always seem to receive patients who are in “terrible shape” ...