Lifestyle Choice?

I hear orthodontists say all the time that they “only work 3 days a week because it’s a lifestyle choice” and I struggle to suppress my laughter. I laugh because the implication, no,...

Keeping Up With Google

Contributor: Angela Weber, CMO OrthoSynetics Just a few months ago, Google made a change to its ranking algorithm that many in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) business deemed “Mobilegeddon.” ...

Zero Down vs. No Down Payment

I’m encouraged to see so many of our colleagues making orthodontic treatment provided by an orthodontic specialist affordable by extending financing and reducing down payments! This trend, combined ...

General Dentists are Alarmed. Why?

This article really fires me up. PCDs want all the rights and privileges but none of the training or responsibility. I posted this article and commentary everywhere I could. Feel free to use or share ...


No, I’m not talking canine substitution here! I’m talking about what happens when we find ourselves stagnating in our practices or facing difficult circumstances that we refuse to address head on....

Shrinkage Is Even Worse Than You Think It Is!

Question: 10% Reduction in Collections = How Much Profit Loss? Most orthodontists would say that 10% reduction in collections creates a 10% reduction in profit or take home pay and that’s not so bad...

The “Self-Made” Often Worship Their Creators

I see it all the time. Employees, ortho residents, ortho associates and even owner doctors at one point or another come to believe that they are invulnerable and entitled to what they have and what th...

Discovering Your Target Market and Reaching Them

In the first of what will be a regular series of guest blogs from industry leaders here on, Angela Weber, CMO of OrthoSynetics has agreed to share her insight on how to identify and r...

You’re Not Your Target Demographic

It’s a fun exercise to listen to orthodontists discuss marking, branding and logos. The opinions, likes and dislikes fly fast and furious and the discussion can go on and on and on… But to...

If You’re Going To Be Lazy, Do It Properly

In life and in orthodontics we are constantly given choices. How we negotiate our options cumulatively determines our results. The options may seem small at the time but they are the building blocks o...