If you’re happy with your results, keep doing what you’re doing. If you’re unhappy with your results you need to change your actions (and probably your mindset) if you want different results. As...
I assume marketing experts know the difference but I’d never considered the distinction between the two most popular digital marketing platforms in orthodontics and I’ve never heard anyone discuss...
It shouldn’t be but practicing orthodontics and running an orthodontic business is generally considered very stressful by orthodontists. Conceiving, implementing and getting Smiley Face running wa...
As I’ve mentioned, at Smiley Face we do a great deal of communication via Facebook messenger with consumers who are shopping for braces online. These free flowing, largely unstructured conversations...
I bet I get asked half a dozen times a day by fellow orthodontists on OrthoPundit, via FB messenger, via text, via email and on our ProOrtho FE Study group if we charge extra for RPEs, broken brackets...
Creation of An Authentic, Contiguous, Awesome, Successful Brand & Business Smiley Face is unlike anything in orthodontics. When we unveiled the brand and the model we could hear the collective gro...