I am stubborn and resistant from time to time. I wore loupes in dental school but put them away when I started orthodontic residency because that’s what everyone else did… only to rediscover them after a couple years of practicing. Loupes are awesome and I couldn’t practice without them! But in the same vein many of my friends have told me for years that I need to get a headlight. I’ve resisted them. The lights attached to loupes seemed to bulky and heavy and I didn’t like the idea of cords running down to a battery pack. Besides, I could see just fine without a headlight!
I finally broke down and ordered an Orascoptic Spark because it’s self contained comes with two battery packs so I won’t get caught out. I started using it Monday. I can see now why my friends who have a headlight recommend it so highly! I can see better than ever before and I’m amazed that I’ve waited this long to get one. You might want to try one as well FWIW… and if you’re not wearing lopes you should really think about getting a pair even if your eyesight is better than 20/20 like mine. I can’t describe the increase in speed, accuracy and efficiency that comes with wearing a good pair of loupes and I’m sure having a light will only enhance that. Plus having your focal length set correctly will force you to maintain good posture and protect your back! You are worth it. Spend the money on things that take care of the most important thing in any orthodontic office – the licensee!