The other day I was asked why I think the median orthodontic pracrice is doing less than a million in production and, even if most orthodontists are producing in the 800 k range, how can they be broke...
I hear this all the time from doctors and team members alike. We tend to gripe and complain about all the things that patients consistently just don’t understand or do properly or follow through on....
Online, in lecture halls and in print, there are fanatical devotees of evidence based orthodontics whose shrill voices lament the absence of science in our profession. For proof and for comedic relief...
Marc Ackerman & Ben Burris What event will totally disrupt the landscape of orthodontics more than any other we can imagine? That’s easy and we have mentioned it before: When someone is able to ...
It’s amazing to me that we, as a profession, still don’t consider keeping braces on people beyond estimated treatment time a bad idea. It IS a terrible idea for many, many reasons – ...
The Hazards of Buying the Practice of an Orthodontist Who Dies Unexpectedly Several months ago a good friend of mine was confronted by a situation I see all too often. A local orthodontist died, had n...
A general dentist friend told me the other day that she had a 100 percent no show rate for all the patients we sent them (we send out dozens of patients to GPs every patient day we have). I found this...
Bridget and I did a 45 minute talk to a group of orthodontists in Phoenix a couple weeks ago and I have to say it was the best presentation I’ve ever done! In this short time we covered many of the ...
By Bridget Burris Over the lifetime of a practice how many applicants do we interview? We ordinarily interview an average of 8 candidates for a position and in a single office location you are proba...
The assumption that when two opposing points of views, people, groups of people or philosophies meet that one is right and one is wrong (or what I call binary thinking) is almost universal among ortho...
I was lucky enough to go to a Cub’s game with Derek Bock this weekend. The Cubs lost but it was an awesome experience and I learned a great deal – as I always do when I spend time with Derek. The ...
By Bridget Burris One of the practices we purchased over the years had this incredible confirmation policy for their new patients. If they did not push the confirm button or send the required “YES...