I read the newsletter of an antiquated but still popular orthodontic consultant the other day and was struck by something crazy. This consultant was putting fourth the assertion that donating free tre...
If I call your office right now and ask for a new patient appointment, will the person answering your phone tell me how great you are? Will I hear something like this? “I am so glad you called! Dr. ...
I’ve tried it both ways over the past decade and ultimately found that I can finish cases 4-6 months faster bending wire to correct minor rotations and discrepancies than I can by repositioning and ...
By: Dr. Mike Zetz I am writing this with the assumption that the reader – YOU – holds this tenant to be true. That is, you believe that within your area, when it comes to orthodontic care, you ...
Recently a member of Ortho101 asked about how to handle an imperfect finish. It is a great question and one we all deal with almost daily whether or not we want to admit it out loud. Here are some of...
I had our receptionists do it for years. They were required to fill out every single line on the ridiculously long new patient call sheet (and then some) on every single new patient call. The sheet as...
Ever notice how first thing in the morning and right after lunch are super busy times? Almost as busy as 3:30 pm when the school bus drops off and all hell breaks loose (if that happens in your office...
Orthodontics is easy. Figure out what is wrong. Decide on a plan to get the best possible outcome. Put the brackets in the middle of the teeth in alignment with the long axis, level and align, close s...
The days of telling patients what to do and expecting them to follow blindly are over and I, for one, am glad! What does this mean for orthodontists? It means that the way “we have always done it”...
Great news! Thanks to the generous nature of our sponsors, The Progressive Orthodontist Magazine is now available to orthodontists and their teams FREE of charge! Just click the link to sign up and...
When confronted with a kid who doesn’t brush or wear elastics, our first instinct as orthodontists is to say something like, “Susie, why haven’t you been brushing your teeth?!?!” but as soon a...
By: Dr. Noam Green It’s an exhilarating time. Ortho residency is done and I’m doing my best to piece together plans for the years to come. It’s as though I dove out of an airplane for the first...