I was asked about job descriptions for some different positions in our offices the other day and since I had to dig these up I thought I’d share them with all of you. Obviously every office is different but these will give you a good basis for building your own job descriptions if nothing else.

thank you. Great info. You are referring to Rock, Sand, and Water what are those? What about software for all those reports? are you using Dentix? We are still using Dentrix but having issues with GP software.
Great question. let me get the answers for you. We use Orthotrac and QSI softwares.
thank you
I am familiar with orthotrack but not with QSI. Is that ortho as well? or GP?
QSI is for dental and pedo
I’m curious what “rock, sand, and water” means as well? Thanks Ben
This will explain it better than I can