Right or Rich?

We average a couple visiting doctors a week at Smiley Face these days. Doctors who generally come to see what we are doing and learn but in a significant number of cases it is readily apparent that th...

Pricing Implications

You get what you pay for… This was never more true in orthodontics than today. Though we try and ignore the fact, there is an implied agreement between orthodontists and our customers that transcend...

The Google Review Arms Race

I’ve always taken it at face value that every orthodontist needs to make a concerted effort to amass hundreds of positive google reviews. Why would someone dare question something so obviously true?...

Key Stressors in the Orthodontic Office

It shouldn’t be but practicing orthodontics and running an orthodontic business is generally considered  very stressful by orthodontists. Conceiving, implementing and getting Smiley Face running wa...


I bet I get asked half a dozen times a day by fellow orthodontists on OrthoPundit, via FB messenger, via text, via email and on our ProOrtho FE Study group if we charge extra for RPEs, broken brackets...

A New Face in Orthodontics: Meet Smiley Face

Creation of An Authentic, Contiguous, Awesome, Successful Brand & Business Smiley Face is unlike anything in orthodontics. When we unveiled the brand and the model we could hear the collective gro...

It’s About Getting Patients In The Door!!!!

We have talked about the vital and primary nature of the need to get patients in the door many times here on OrthoPundit but now that Smiley Face is opening I wanted to give the first of what will be ...