Dr. Courtney Dunn has graciously read and reviewed our book, Straighter: The Rules of Orthodontics. Dr. Dunn is a leader in our specialty and she has created a fantastic forum for improving the practices of her peers called Women in Orthodontics.
Here are Dr. Dunn’s thoughts on the book:
Love them or hate them, Drs. Ackerman and Burris are always interesting. With their new book “Straighter”, the authors lay out a compelling argument challenging the status quo and the traditional ideal of orthodontic treatment. The orthodontic profession is changing at a rapid rate. Is “Straighter” the future of orthodontics? Only time will tell.
Even with its structure, Ackerman and Burris break the traditional rules. Instead of chapters, the book is structured with fifteen “rules”. And although these rules may make the traditional orthodontist uncomfortable, this book will make them reconsider long held beliefs in orthodontics. In the end, it doesn’t matter whether you agree or disagree with the rules, the challenge of traditional thought can lead to positive growth and change. It’s hard to disagree with the fact that the orthodontic patient is driven by convenience and that the way we’ve always done it might not fit into the modern person’s lifestyle. The authors use the new patient process as an example in rule fourteen, “Enterprise systems that only work part of the time should be discarded”. In a traditional office, the patient must return to the office several times before having braces placed. This can lead to hours away from school and work. By thinking about the patient’s time as the most valuable, how can you modulate your practice to meet their needs? Patients first – who can be against that?
The authors then discuss their predictions for orthodontics in terms of care, price and the mindset necessary for success. Will these predictions come to fruition? I don’t know. But, I would rather be prepared for the oncoming storm rather than try to react after it has already hit.