Average Verses Peak Performance Meet and Greet

By: Charlene White Many doctors underestimate the power of the initial meet and greet in their practice.  It is a powerful 30 second event that is over looked.  Ask yourself a question, “How much ...

Why Aren’t You Wearing Loupes?

I wore loupes in dental school but put I them away for Ortho residency because everyone else did. I didn’t use loupes for the first couple years I practiced but one day I decided to break them o...

You Can’t “Think Outside The Box”

Well, if you’re Einstein and have genius IQ combined with the most fertile imagination in history you can but the rest of us cannot. Think of your box as the sum total of everything you have eve...

Your Patients Agree With You!

Of course they do. They decided to start treatment with you so obviously they liked you and what you do better than any of their other options. That’s fantastic for you and for them. However, no...

Reusing Gloves Is Nasty

DON’T DO IT. Buy less expensive gloves, get more efficient, make less trips to the chair, anything… But use new gloves every time you glove up. Every time. While we are on the subject, don...

Braces Vacation

If you have a patient that is over the estimated treatment time and the end is nowhere in sight, it’s time to do something about it. Whether it’s a compliance issue, a bracket position iss...

Train Chairside Assistants In 2 Weeks

Don’t worry. I didn’t think it was possible either! I firmly believed it took 6 months to two years to train an employee properly and, because I believed that, it did! And no, I’m no...

How To Tell If A Patient Is Wearing Elastics

Here are a few tricks to make you feel more confident about assessing the compliance level you are getting from individual patients. Creating an atmosphere in which we get good compliance in most cas...

Don’t Miss It- Orthodontic World Congress 2016

Lots of docs are asking about how we train train TCs, how our managers train chair side staff and how we set up and implement systems. Well here’s your chance to get those details and more in pe...