Summer Reds-Weekend Wine-Down

By Andrew Rice While summer can be a time for crisp whites, I still enjoy drinking reds and tend to favor these three interesting reds....

Be Nice & Get Better Results

By Anil Idiculla I’m constantly amazed by the stories I hear from doctors about their ClinCheck experience. It’s not the fact that they complicate things for no reason that is interesting...

Success Is Calling, Will You Answer Your Phone?

Orthodontists love to save money. We will save money by cutting or delaying essentials and then turn around and buy Sh*t We Don’t Need! We are funny that way. One of the most egregious examples ...

Does your marketing plan have the right stuff?

By Angela Weber Developing a successful marketing plan is a balancing act between building brand awareness and driving direct response.  Dr. Burris recently asked me what was so unique about what the...

You Suck…See You Next Week

By Mike Butler Being consistently bad is better than being inconsistently awesome. There are 41,394 Realtors in Arizona. That means there is one Realtor for every 153 residents. It’s insane! How in ...

Propel Is My Backup Plan

As many of you know, I’m not big on complicating things. I like simple, straight forward treatment, simple mechanics, pragmatic treatment plans and predictable results. I don’t believe in...

What Is The Main Focus Of The AAO?

I had an interesting conversation with Chris Vranas, the Executive Director of the AAO, at the ADSO Summit in Vegas last weekend. He was there with the current and soon to be new Presidents of the AAO...

Better Is Relative

I love Michael Raynor’s Three Rules for running a great business: Better before cheaper: Don’t compete on price, compete on value. Revenue before cost: Don’t drive profits by cutting cost, ...

Visiting The Orthodontist Is Inconvenient

Patients and parents have busy lives and stuff to do. Respect that. Know that what we do for them is awesome but it’s also inconvenient. You can make it less so by creating a great schedule, run...