I often discuss what I would do if I was an orthodontic residents coming out of school today and dead set on owning a practice in a competitive area – as opposed to living where there is a ne...
Want to be a successful orthodontist, have plenty of patients and have a great career? It’s easy. Just find an underserved population and serve them! Now, I know what you are thinking, but you’re ...
I was lucky enough to visit Dr. Vance Misuraca and, as I always do when I visit a colleague, I learned something awesome! When Dr. Misuraca tells his assistants what he wants to do at the beginning of...
By: Klifford T. Kapus DDS, MSD I generally stay away from offering business advice because my experience practicing in California has been more about survival than expanding market share. Until they s...
Every graduating orthodontic resident faces this question. All react differently based on who they are and what they want but most fall into one of two broad categories. Let’s discuss the options lo...
As a counter to what was put fourth in the Winds of Change article published in Orthodontic Products, I would like to offer a few thoughts. This article appears to be a promo for the mutability an...
I’m often asked, “Knowing what you know now, what would you tell yourself on the day you graduated ortho? Thinking about this is a great exercise and I keep a list that I look at/update often...
When I finished residency in 2004 I bought a tiny little practice in Jonesboro, Arkansas. I was scared to death and my wife and I were happy to live in Arkansas instead of the East Coast where I grew ...
By: Dr. Kyle Fagala As a certifiable control freak, this has been one of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn. As orthodontists, we routinely fret about 2 degrees of incisor rotation or a 1 mm midl...
We work so hard to get a great smile and occlusion for our patients. The patients and parents invest a ton of money and time in getting the smile of their dreams. We are all so happy the day the brace...
As illogical as it is, we orthodontists occasionally have to deal with patients who expect money back when we finish early. There are several ways to handle this issue easily and with no stress. The e...
Ring, Ring… Your office: Hello, Dr. Smith’s office. How may I help you? Mom: My daughter has an emergency and we need to get in to see the doctor. Your office: Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Is ...