Stay Classy San Diego

By Marc Bernard Ackerman, DMD, MBA Without promotion, something terrible happens… nothing P.T. Barnum The American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session is a glimpse into the specialty’s...

The AAO Annual Session Is The. Best. Thing. Ever.

** Originally published as the Editor’s Note for the Q2, 2016 Edition of The Progressive Orthodontist Magazine We orthodontists love tradition and once again it’s time for our favorite, th...

The First Day Of Spring

As I watch the sunrise here in Vail and think about all that I’ve learned during The Orthodontic Exchange meeting this weekend, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude fo...

Dr. Courtney Dunn Takes The AAO To Task

**Editor’s Note: Once again, Dr. Dunn elegantly states the facts while breaking down the official AAO response to her blog post Does Membership Matter? The AAO leadership consistently refuses...

The Psychology of the Deal

In San Francisco at the AAO Annual Session and in the days since I’ve enjoyed watching the dogged pursuit of the deal. What deal? Any deal! We orthodontists get so excited about the idea of saving m...