The Future Is All Around Us

The Internet is an amazing place to spend time. I love watching the interactions and the massive amount of information exchange that takes place every minute of every day. I don’t think many ort...

No Wonder We Act This Way

I’ve always wondered why so many orthodontists are resistant to allowing patients’ parents, families and friends to join the patient in the treatment area but this weekend I visited a den...

What Is A GOOD Referral Source?

Ancient History When I got out of residency in 2004, this question was easy to answer. A good referral source was a general dentist or pediatric dentist who sent me every child or adult that the denti...

Don’t Let Your Goals Limit You in 2017

It’s that time of year. Traditionally we set goals and make resolutions for the new year and that is a fine thing. We all know that setting goals gives us something to shoot for and provides focus f...

Give The People What They Want!

We orthodontists have a big problem and almost all of us suffer from the same disease. Perfectionism. It’s ironic to me that in a profession where we are dealing with asymmetric people and too many ...

It’s Not About Being Right

It’s not about winning. It’s not about what’s fair. What we orthodontists do every day is about a very few things (ranked in the order I see them): Taking care of patients as we wou...