20 Million or 100 Million?

I’ve had several conversations of late with orthodontists interested in joining or starting DSOs. They want me to advise them as to how to proceed in any number of variations on a deal that makes th...

Sit Down, Be Humble (or don’t)

I’ve been wondering lately if the definition of humble/humbled has changed without me knowing it so I consulted dictionary.com. Nope. The definition has not changed as you can see for yourself. The ...

Tactics Will Not Cure What Ails Orthodontists

We orthodontists are obsessed with the latest tactic/tip/pearl to do something “better” or faster or more effectively. No matter whether it’s clinical or practice management or marketing or HR, ...

Technology Will Not Fix What Ails Orthodontists

I received this unsolicited email a couple days ago. Honestly, I’m not sure what the phrase “When evolution means revolution” even means but I do know one thing – the “evolution” of “adv...

Systems Are Great

They really are. Awesome scripting, excellent paperwork (physical and virtual), fantastic billing and collections, outstanding organization, super staff hierarchy and job descriptions… all of th...

A Call for Professionalism

I listened to the talk “A Call for Professionalism” by Dr. Peter Greco and Dr. Eladio DeLeon, Jr. on the AAO member website (their talk starts about 1:34:00) and it was interesting to say the leas...

Protecting the Public?

The last time organized dentistry and dental boards tried to “protect the public” they warned of the dangers of tooth whitening done outside the office of a licensed dentist. Of course there was n...

What Is Comprehensive Treatment?

I hear disparaging comments all the time from orthodontists when they talk about anything other than what they consider “comprehensive treatment”. But this begs the question, what exactly is the d...

Why 3000 Is More Than 5500

Marc Ackerman Ben Burris We have discussed repeatedly our belief that the average fee for orthodontic treatment will trend lower. This prediction has been met with shock and horror from the majority o...