When is the last time you Googled your name? What comes up when you do?
I’ve been pretty visible in the public eye, put out a lot of content and done a good deal of pro bono work over the years and continue to do so – the result being that I’m the only “Ben Burris” on the first two and a half pages of results when you Google my name. I use this to my advantage when shoppers are trying to decide which orthodontist to choose. Who I am, what I do, what I stand for and what is important to me is readily apparent to anyone who Googles “Ben Burris”. I’m proud of what I see when I Google my name and believe it’s an excellent representation of my professional self. I’ve had many patients tell me they decided to start treatment with us after seeing the search results.
Why should you care? You shouldn’t care about my search results but you should care deeply about yours!
What can you do about your results if they are lacking? Plenty! But it takes time and effort. Start blogging, keep active LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Facebook and Pinterest pages. Write articles for your local paper or society magazine. Start a Smile For A Lifetime Chapter in your area. Write articles and submit them to orthodontic journals – they don’t have to be scientific – they can be about aspects of practice or marketing or treatment or customer service you enjoy. Do something… anything! But do it today and regularly and often. Original content is king on Google! Volume and longevity don’t hurt either. I’ve helped lots of people get started on this type of project. Contact me if you want to discuss!