Resident Discount for OrthoPundit

I got what is probably the hundredth Facebook message today from a resident asking for a discounted price for OrthoPundit. I don’t understand it. You guys pay tens of thousands of dollars for yo...

Do No Harm?

The other day I posted this pano and the following question on The Pragmatic Orthodontist: Clinical Discussions: Patient doesn’t want extraction of H or #11. Patient doesn’t want exposure ...

Our Obsession with Profiles is Unfounded

Traveling over the last couple weeks I was able to indulge in my second favorite pastime – people watching. In doing so in Italy and especially in Croatia I was stuck repeatedly by interesting, ...

Popularity is Overrated

In my experience, the most valuable thing I can do for family, my friends, my colleagues and our specialty is to ask the hard questions and give the hard answers when asked. Yes, saying so is awfully ...

Avoid the Doctor Bottleneck

If your office is like ours and most of the orthodontic offices I’ve visited, the doctor is the bottleneck and the limiting factor when it comes to the workflow. The team members usually must wa...

Blame Doesn’t Help You

Even if you’re convincing. Even if you’re right. But seeking to assign blame comes incredibly naturally to us human beings. Whenever we are confronted with a problem, an obstacle, an issue...

Making Pontics for Ortho Patients (video)

Making pontics for missing anterior teeth on patients in braces has always been a challenge. I’ve tried lots of different techniques over the years and, though it’s still labor intensive,...

Patients Won’t Wait on You

I hear doctors talking all the time about how long their new patients must wait for an appointment. A wait of three to six weeks is not uncommon at all and many doctors talk about even longer waits as...

Sunday Is The Last Day!

Our offer to include a free subscription to the Bentson Clark reSource newsletter along with new OrthoPundit subscriptions expires at midnight Sunday, August 14 2016. So if you want to take advantage ...