Democracy & Truth

So over the last week or two we have had some fun in the Ortho101. I created a series of polls to compare and contrast some items that are rarely considered together and the results were interesting t...

Video Patient Instructions

Ever have a patient who says they forgot how to wear their elastics? What a about a situation where the patient is wearing them incorrectly and in some crazy configuration but claims they were told to...

Do I Need Braces?

We get this from time to time from adults as well as parents who are eager to do the right thing for their children. Here is my stock answer for that question. “You don’t need braces. Heck...

The First Day Of Spring

As I watch the sunrise here in Vail and think about all that I’ve learned during The Orthodontic Exchange meeting this weekend, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude fo...

Social Media Administrator

Very few things in life are more difficult to do than to reclaim a Facebook page that a former employee was the admin for… When that employee refuses to give you the user name and password or ad...

Game Changers- Golf Tips with Andrew Rice

Andrew Rice is one of the premiere golf instructors on the planet, but don’t take my word for it. Visit Andrew’s site or just Google his name and you’ll see why I am so excited that he is willin...

Hook, Line, and Sinker

By Scott Hansen There is a distinct line between fishing and sitting on a boat like an idiot. One day, after dropping loads of money at Bass Pro, I high-tailed it to the lake. When I got there, I laun...

Don’t Trust, Verify!

When you meet fellow orthodontists or dentists, it’s pretty safe to accept what they tell you about their credentials. If they tell you where they went to school and when they graduated then odds ar...

Orthodontic Assumptions

Let’s talk about our assumptions, many of them as old as the profession itself. We orthodontists are nothing if not certain that the world truly is what we see though the rose colored glasses &#...