Doing Recall Sucks… Start Today!

TCs hate doing recall more than just about anything. Orthodontists hate trying to insure TCs do their recall at least as much as TCs hate doing recall! So why don’t we just avoid doing recall altoge...

There Are No Points For Style

I wanted to share a conversation I had with a young doctor the other day because it is not at all atypical of the conversations I have ALL THE TIME. For some reason many, if not most, orthodontists th...

Have Company Reps Sign An NDA

A common topic of discussion (and complaining) on most of the forums I frequent has to do with vendor reps and how they behave. Now most vendor reps are great and help us get what we need but there ar...

What Your Staff Wants You To Know

At The MKS Forum in Dallas a couple weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking to a room full of team members – mostly office managers, TCs and leads. We had a grand time and one of the things that ...

Have A Great Morning Meeting Part II

By: Bridget Burris I’ve been asked for more details about how to have a great morning meeting so, let’s get right to it! Doctor, decide if you will be part of the morning meeting or not – Your m...

Challenging Patients Can Teach Us About Our Fees

It never ceases to amaze me. I hear story after story after story from orthodontists and TCs alike. They tell me about a patient or parent who is, shall we say, challenging to deal with or even combat...

Offering A Family Discount Is Dumb

Yup. I said it. I know that everyone does this and I know that you think I’m dumb or worse for saying such a thing but I’ll stand by what I said. Why? I’m glad you asked! I should have confidenc...

ABC… Always Be Closing! (1)

Why? Because we are in sales! People come to us because we have what they want. We have what they need! Braces are a right of passage and a great smile is practically the birthright of everyone in thi...

Out in the Real World

By: Dr. Troy Bacon I graduated from residency this past June and am still very much a neophyte in the orthodontic community.  These are some early observations from my brief time as a professional o...