Working Overtime

I’ve had several conversations over the last few weeks where doctors and office managers have admitted that they don’t pay employees overtime. The first time I heard this I was shocked but...

Can You Afford To Drive a Ferrari?

By: Dr. Derek Bock Like most 16 year olds, I remember dreaming of getting my ‘license to drive’ and decorated my room with numerous posters of high priced Italian sports cars. I’d dream of the d...

Have A Great Morning Meeting – Template

By: Bridget Burris My husband and I have started, taken over and grown a few practices. We have also visited more than one! One of the things I most want to see in any office is how the morning meetin...

How Much Do Braces Cost?

By: Charlene White Quite often the question is asked by callers, “How much do braces cost in your office?” “Can you give me a ball park fee?”  In the past, I found most doctors told their sta...

Being Closed For Lunch Is Dumb

“We can’t make the receptionist sit at the front desk while everyone else goes to lunch. It’s not fair!” I’m betting that you’ve heard this once or twice… that is IF you’ve ever consid...

I Hate Shoppers Part III

Just like all of you, we get shoppers in our office daily. As we have discussed in Part I & Part II, having the right attitude and being grateful that we are included in the shopping list instead ...

I Hate Shoppers Part II – Scripting

We have discussed shoppers in general before but recently I’ve been asked to tackle a couple of specific scenarios and share the scripting I use. So let’s get to it! Dad: I can get the same thing ...

It Doesn’t Matter What I Think!

By: Dr. David Sarver It happens almost daily. Patients ask me what I think about their smile. Whether it is a new patient, a transfer patient, debond patient, post pros patient, surgical patient or ...

Own Your Mistakes!

The other day I posted on Ortho101 what I believed to be an interesting and educational piece about the state of dentistry in Arkansas and across the county. Well, I was dead wrong! I had misread and...

Meet CoverDoc, Anil Idiculla

The Progressive Orthodontist Magazine will be hitting mailboxes early next week. Inside you can check out CoverDoc, Anil Idiculla. Anil’s unique mindset, incredible practice model and unbridled ...

Our Turn

The Australian orthodontists are having this conversation . Why aren’t we? “This is not about greed, but all about survival as some businesses are just trying to keep their heads above water,...