Discovering Your Target Market and Reaching Them

In the first of what will be a regular series of guest blogs from industry leaders here on, Angela Weber, CMO of OrthoSynetics has agreed to share her insight on how to identify and r...

You’re Not Your Target Demographic

It’s a fun exercise to listen to orthodontists discuss marking, branding and logos. The opinions, likes and dislikes fly fast and furious and the discussion can go on and on and on… But to...

If You’re Going To Be Lazy, Do It Properly

In life and in orthodontics we are constantly given choices. How we negotiate our options cumulatively determines our results. The options may seem small at the time but they are the building blocks o...

Choose A Specialist is a great resource for patients and potential patients to learn about the difference between a Primary Care Dentist and an Orthodontic Specialist. More importantly, ChooseaSpecial...

You’re Breaking Up

  Ever notice how we react when cell service is not ideal and the call we are on becomes less than clear? The response is almost universal – almost everyone says, “You’re breaking up”. It...

Smile for a Lifetime Foundation

My wife and I started Smile for a Lifetime Foundation in Jonesboro, AR back in 2008 because we were already giving a way a great deal of free orthodontic care but wanted to make it more democratic and...

Does A Degree Really Make Us Smarter?

How big an archwire can we place today? Who is the person in the best position to know? Have you ever considered the question? I used to think that I was the ONLY person qualified to make these decisi...

What’s in a Name?

When is the last time you Googled your name? What comes up when you do? I’ve been pretty visible in the public eye, put out a lot of content and done a good deal of pro bono work over the years and ...

“Without music, life would be a mistake”[1]

To a 12 year old, music is EVERYTHING! Don’t you remember when it was essential to know the name and artist of each and every song that you and your friends listened to? I do. I know, I know, you’...

Our Nature

We orthodontists are funny creatures. By nature and by training we totally ignore what is right and focus all our energy on the smallest of defects. This is a fantastic attribute when it comes to gett...