Emotional Orthodontists?

We’re pretty sure that you’ve heard the following statements recently : Braces are antiquated and finished. Do it yourself orthodontics is a serious health crisis. Organized orthodontics must be ...

Don’t Be Constrained by the Chief Complaint

In orthodontics, the chief complaint is sacrosanct. Or at least we talk about it like it is. The reality is that better is better and most patients will be well satisfied with a better-looking smile e...


Great points in the latest AAO Tech BLog. However, I would caution orthodontic residents, young orthodontists and those starting out in practice against taking this article as “proof” that CBCT an...

Are All Academics PRO-Extraction?

It sure seems like it though I know there are notable exceptions. I’m talking about full time academics here of course – the ones at the residency programs day in, day out. The ones who re...

Why My Last Post Was Dumb – the Data!

By Jamie Reynolds In previous posts, I shared some of the data we are collecting at OrthoFi.  In a series of blog posts, I hope to share more of the data collected from over 75,000 starts and over $3...

Arkansas Set to Change Dental Practice Act

It only took 4 years suffering persecution and threats from the AR dental board, the ire of colleagues, a federal lawsuit and dropping my speciality license to get the AR Legislature, AR Dental Board ...

Opal Orthodontics Exits Bracket Business

In a letter sent to customers, Opal Orthodontics President Dirk Jeffs, explained the recent changes in the Opal Orthodontics business model and stated that Opal would no longer produce or sell bracket...

Patient Accounts Receivable Management–the Data!

By Jamie Reynolds In previous posts, I shared some of the data we are collecting at OrthoFi.  In a series of blog posts, I hope to share more of the data we have collected from over 70,000 starts and...