Carriere Motion & MEAW – Birds of a Feather

The last couple weeks have been more interesting than usual. I attended the SAO in New Orleans – the first time I’d been to an AAO constituency meeting in a while – and was shocked b...

The Problem with Binary Thinking

The assumption that when two opposing points of views, people, groups of people or philosophies meet that one is right and one is wrong (or what I call binary thinking) is almost universal among ortho...

The Google Review Arms Race

I’ve always taken it at face value that every orthodontist needs to make a concerted effort to amass hundreds of positive google reviews. Why would someone dare question something so obviously true?...

Orthodontists ARE Dentists!

I just don’t understand our collective obsession and unwillingness to changes when it comes to a couple things: Why do people have to see a dentist every 6 months and why won’t orthodontists start...


By Bridget Burris Running on time is the most important practice and team value that we have in our office.  We consider it a sign of respect to see the patients when they are scheduled and get them ...

Google vs Facebook Mindset

I assume marketing experts know the difference but I’d never considered the distinction between the two most popular digital marketing platforms in orthodontics and I’ve never heard anyone discuss...

Key Stressors in the Orthodontic Office

It shouldn’t be but practicing orthodontics and running an orthodontic business is generally considered  very stressful by orthodontists. Conceiving, implementing and getting Smiley Face running wa...

Making an Appointment is Enough

As I’ve mentioned, at Smiley Face we do a great deal of communication via Facebook messenger with consumers who are shopping for braces online. These free flowing, largely unstructured conversations...


I bet I get asked half a dozen times a day by fellow orthodontists on OrthoPundit, via FB messenger, via text, via email and on our ProOrtho FE Study group if we charge extra for RPEs, broken brackets...

A New Face in Orthodontics: Meet Smiley Face

Creation of An Authentic, Contiguous, Awesome, Successful Brand & Business Smiley Face is unlike anything in orthodontics. When we unveiled the brand and the model we could hear the collective gro...