Market Share & Mindset

I’ve spent the last couple days at the ADSO Summit and it’s been an eye opening experience to say the least. What’s impressed me the most has been the abundance mindset that is so bl...


As learned by Mary-Jeanne’ Davidson Prior to helping my husband open his orthodontic practice, I considered myself a fairly resilient person. I grew up on a ranch where hard work was your birthright...

Hitting Draws-Golf Tips with Andrew Rice

This past weekend we saw PGA Tour Player Branden Grace using these techniques on his way to victory at the RBC Heritage. Andrew Rice Director of Instruction at The Club at Savannah Harbor AndrewRiceGo...

Remove Both Wires Before Doing A Repair

How many times have you had a patient come in with a reported broken bracket? Every day I’m sure! Repairing a bracket is a snap and no big deal these days but how many times have you removed a w...

Somebody’s Got A Case of the Mondays!

By Adam Schulhof Monday mornings…Ugggh, but not today. I actually walked into the office charged up after a great weekend in Scottsdale with the OE crew learning from the “Plastic Masters” Jona...

Thank Your Mentors – Part 2

I had a lot of fun walking down memory lane and thinking about those who enabled me and others to become solid orthodontic practitioners the other day. So much so that today I decided to do the same t...

Defensiveness & Peerlessness

It happens to me all too often. Someone says something or comments on what I’m doing and I get that hot feeling and a rush of adrenaline caused by a fight or flight response to a perceived threat. I...