It’s hard to believe but this is the 100th post on!
Thanks for being part of this work in progress – who knows where this grand experiment will lead? By creating a culture of sharing and openness among orthodontists we all improve and strengthen our profession to the benefit of our patients and our practices.
In that vein I would like to make a suggestion and a request. It’s time for you to share your favorite clinical pearl, best management tip, most effective scripting, educational story, overcome failure or anything else you think will help your fellow orthodontists.
I would love to see 100 tips in honor of OrthoPundit’s 100th post!
Post your tip on your favorite Facebook forum, on OrthoTown, on Twitter or post them as comments here on OrthoPundit. You don’t need to be an Orthodontist to share. Thoughts from residents, assistants, TC’s and office managers are all welcome. The point is to share the knowledge and wisdom that makes you successful for the benefit of all – especially the residents and recent grads who are facing stiff competition and tall odds!
As a reward for your willingness to share, we will chose our favorite tip of those posted here on as comments or those that include #OrthoPundit and give the author FREE ADMISSION to – next month in Dallas OR next year (your choice) along with recognition on the main stage during the meeting. Tips will also be featured in the next issue of The Progressive Orthodontist.
For open bite correction/maintenance, draw tooth colored Flow-Tain on the lingual of the desired teeth into a “Hershey Kiss” shaped tongue spike and have assistant light cure before the spiked end flows too far and rounds off. Tooth colored is better than metal spike brackets for apprehensive patients. Faster, easier, smaller, less to lose, and potentially sharper than spike molds.
Don’t be afraid to take chances in your marketing-uniqueness stands out. And when looking for inspiration look outside of the orthodontic industry. If you’re still talking about “a caring, comfortable environment” along with so many others, you’re just blending in.
Sweet! Thanks for sharing Joe!
We have got to get better about looking outside of dentistry and orthodontics for inspiration! We are all starting to look the same and now dentists are coping what we do furthering the confusion.
This one came via Antonino……wrap your clinical photo mirrors in a heating pad to keep them warm. This prevents them from fogging and wasting clinical time running them under hot water prior to taking pictures, or taking up an assistant’s time to have air blown on them.
Great one! Thanks!
Give out 2 sets of Essix retainers at DB. It costs next to nothing at that point, and patients/parents really appreciate it. Have them set it aside for when the first set finally dies.
Great idea! Thanks for sharing.
Great idea Ben!
Google has released a new version of chrome cast a couple of weeks ago, which allows you to mirror what’s on your laptop/tablet to your tv. I just installed it on both my consult room TV’s so I can use a tablet to show patients pictures during their np exam while my TC prepares the patients letters and financials for their walk-out folder using our regular computer. Chrome cost as measly $40. This is replacing the outdated WiDi concept. I have a picture but I’m unable to post here, I can post it on one of the Facebook forums.
Awesome James! Thanks for sharing!!
When asked about going to the gp for ortho tx, I ask the patient- “did you go to your primary care MD to deliver your child? After all, he did watch a couple of babies being born while in Medical school. So I am sure he should be able to deliver your next child too. NO, you went to the OB-GYN for a reason, because they were trained specifically for that purpose. So why would your dds be a good choice for the child’s braces? ”
usually makes them pause.
That’s AWESEOME! Love it. More orthodontists need to speak up and educate the public about the difference between PCDs and Orthodontic Specialists. It would be nice if our member organization would do so as well… Thanks for sharing!